Mother's Day is just around the corner, show your Mum how much you care with BreadTalk’s Garden of Love Cakes from 2nd to 12th May 2013!
I Love Mom 温情的花语 @ $38
Brighten your Mother's Day with this everlasting blooms, layered with yoghurt cereal and vanilla chiffon.
不懂得如何与妈妈说'我爱你'? 不如送她一份温情的花语, 麦片优格酸中带甜, 让她吃在口里甜在心里。
The chiffon is very light, spongy and moist. Layered with creamy and not so sweet yoghurt cereal. Slightly tangy with a fragrant hint of lime. Refreshing and light.
Rosy MOMents 爱的物语 @ $38
Take a stroll in the garden of love. Surprise you Mother with a Rosy MOMents, layered with red bean and green tea chiffon.
与妈妈迈步在玫瑰花海中时, 送上带着柔软红豆与抹茶戚风的'爱的物语', 必定让母亲乐透!
Surprisingly the icing sugar on the outer layer was mildly sweet. This pretty cake has a green tea scent that is detectable yet mild, suitable for people who is afraid of the thick and rich green tea aftertaste.
From 2 to 9 May 2013, get 15% off Mother’s Day cakes pre-order. UOB cardholders will enjoy 20% off the Mother’s Day Cakes.
From 2 to 12 May 2013 Receive a 'Scratch & Win' card and stand a chance to win complimentary admission tickets to Gardens by the Bay and OCBC Skyway with every purchase of Mother's Day cake! Not valid for pre-order and UOB promotion
Everyone is especially giving an assortment of indulgent experiences to their mother during the month of May. We shouldn't wait till once a year to show our appreciation towards our mothers.. Maternal bonds should be as often as possible. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mummies in the world!
*PS all the photos are taken by me & copyright, please do not use for any commercial or personal use without permission. thanks.
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