
06 September 2012

Apple Blueberry Milk Tea Cake


Raise your spirits with the rising sun as we fend off hungry spirits with Apple Blueberry Milk Tea Cake. White milk tea fused with butter and a dribble of apple blueberry jam.

We have received Gold Kili White Coffee and White Milk Tea and some Frezfruta jams from Lion City. At the same time, hubby is crying for something sweet, and with the limited ingredients I had left at home, I thought of making a milk tea cake topped with apple blueberry jam. The nice fragrant tea compliment the sweet apple blueberries.

Recipe: Apple Blueberry Milk Tea cake
Makes: 1 loaf tin

Ingredients for cake:
    • ½ cup of boiling water
    • 1 sachet of Gold Kili White Milk Tea
    • 125g plain flour
    • 125g cake flour (i don't have cake flour, so i use 96g plain flour, two tbsp of corn flour)
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • ¼ tsp salt
    • 56g butter, room temperature
    • 150g sugar (i use 140g)
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1 cup of Frezfruta Apple Blueberry Jam (about 2/3 of the jar)

Ingredients for crumb topping:
    • 22g plain flour
    • 43g cold diced butter
    • 80g brown sugar (i use 65g)

1. Preheat the oven to 170C and prepare a 8×14 inch pan with buttered parchment.

2. In a small cup, combine boiling water and sachet milk tea, stir to dissolve, set aside to cool.

3. In a bowl whisk together the sieved flour, cake flour, baking powder and salt.

4. Using an electric mixer, cream the butter and sugar on medium-high until fluffy. Reduce speed to low, add the egg (gradually if you are using eggs) and the vanilla until incorporated, for about 1min. Add in dry ingredients and alternate with cooled milk tea.

5. Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading evenly. Spread the apple blueberry jam over the top.

6. Mix together the crumb topping ingredients with your hand and sprinkle over the blueberries.

7. Bake for approx 40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.

8. Allow to cool on a wire rack, slice and serve with your favourite coffee and tea.

- 1 cup of apple blueberry jam can be replace with 1 cup of fresh blueberry and dice apple.
- if you like to use tea leaves, you can replace water with fresh milk, heat up and add add 1 tbsp of tea leaves.

Be lucky and try out the recipe with the products for free!

Do you that we are giving away THREE bags of Gold Kili + Frezfruit product? No? Whao, lady luck is with you! You are still in time, visit to take part now! Closing date is on 7 Sep 2012, 23:59 hour.


  1. wow..this looks very yummy!! i shall try it with the jam i won :))))))

  2. Hey Joyce,

    Congratulation on your winning again!! Do try out the chicken recipe too, im sure everyone will love it!
