
31 August 2012

Homemade Soymilk Pudding using Joyoung Soymilk Maker


Lately I have heard some rumors saying our soya beancurd is classify as "low class" food and not allowed to be bring to the Diner en Blanc held at Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. How sad!

Well, whatever it is, I am proud to be a Singaporean, I like singlish, and I definitely loves all the local delights from hawker centre and coffee shop. Call it cheap, call it low class, who cares?

Any type of food can be very "atas", depending how you present it, don't you agree? Topped it with some red beans or longan and it can look so different.


And hey, I make soymilk pudding using ORGANIC soy beans! I grind my own beans, make my own soy milk and then into a pudding! Any fresher you'll have to grow your own beans!

Recipe: Homemade Soymilk Pudding
Makes: 4-6 bowl

    • 750ml Homemade Soymilk (click HERE for recipe)
    • 3 tbsp Horlic (or Nestle Coffeemate coffee creamer if you prefer a richer, creamier taste)
    • 75g Rock sugar
    • Some pandan leaves, wash and tie
    • 8g Gelatin sheet

1. Follow the recipe as shown HERE to prepare fresh homemade soymilk.

2. Once the soymilk is ready, pour into a pot while its still pipping hot. Add in horlic, rock sugar and pandan leaves. Stir until complete dissolved. Cover with lid.

3. Soak gelatin sheet in ice water for 10 minutes, discard the water, pour some soymilk into the bowl and stir until completely dissolved and add the mixture back to the pot of soymilk. Stir well for few minutes.

4. Pour the mixture into small bowl or container, leave it in the fridge for 4 hours, serve chill.

The Soymilk Pudding is very different from the Chilled Soya Beancurd Pudding I had made previously. The Chilled Soya Beancurd Pudding tasted more like our local famous Lao Ban using instant soy milk powder and coffee creamer. It is richer, creamier and require you to cook over a pot of hot water that is not suppose to boil. On the other hand, this recipe is much softer, less creamy and lighter is taste but healthier.


Both recipe are very different in taste and texture. If you do not have a soymilk maker, try doing the instant way.